A brutal subway platform attack on their anniversary for holding hands. Death threats from within your community, disowned by your family. The loss of a child to suicide after schoolyard bullying. A date that ends in a near death choke hold. A transgender woman of color standing up to brutality and oppression. These stories feel all too familiar. That needs to change.


  • India’s Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, the world’s first openly gay prince, received death threats upon coming out to his family and country, turned fierce global LGBTQ+ advocate with his husband the Duke

  • Victoria Cruz, transgender activist and LGBTQ+ icon present at the 1969 Stonewall riots, and later a crisis counselor at New York’s Anti-Violence Project. Victoria counseled Mykel after his attack

  • Mykel, attacked in his own home, a performance artist healing himself and others through the LGBTQ+ art form of flag dance

  • Leia Pierce, a Denver, Colorado single mother who lost her recently out 9-year-old gay son Jamel to suicide after schoolyard bullying

  • Jipsta, an out gay rapper and Brooklyn elementary school psychologist, attacked on a New York City subway platform for holding hands with his partner Peter

Jipsta and Peter at the premiere, on the importance of the film’s message

Mykel discusses his reaction to seeing the film with an audience for the first time


  • Beverly Tillery, Executive Director, New York's Anti-Violence Project

  • Dakota Keyes, Principal PS 272, Brooklyn, where Jipsta is the school psychologist

  • Brett James and Blanca Leos, PFLAG (Denver and National)

  • Sue Sena, Co-Founder and President The Swish Ally Fund a straight ally leading a global fight for LGBTQ+ equality

Jipsta and Dakota on their inclusive Brooklyn elementary school philosophy

Blanca and Brett on PFLAG’s role as an ally, the importance of visibility, and the film’s message of hope

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The “Pieces of Us” Community


Select Photography courtesy of Leslie Barbaro LeslieBarbaro.com